Christmas Checklist:
1) Select and purchase Christmas presents for entire family (both sides), friends (mine, his, ours & theirs), pets, teachers, coaches, neighbors, girl scouts, pastors, babysitters, paperboy, etc...
2) Double check shopping carts at all websites visited to make sure the "checkout" button was actually hit - forgetting this has cost me lots of money on unnecessary overnight shipping costs.
3) Wait in line at UPS, USPS and any other service that might get packages where they need to be sometime around the 24th.
4) Menu plan and shop for holiday meals
5) Wrap, wrap, wrap
6) Hide any presents Santa had to send ahead of time. This year, it's my closet with the hope that my fierce mandate of "don't go in there" will be listened to (I can hear Santa laughing now)
7) Clean the house, the bedsheets, litter boxes (you all know the drill)
8) Start a blog on a whim without a clue what to do and wish for the best!
So I've been challenged, oops, I mean "tagged" (sorry, add #9: take course on blogging lingo) to make an actual post. Apparently it isn't enough to start the blog, you are, in fact, supposed to write stuff on it! I think the easiest place to start is to thank my Sister-In-Law Gina for being the one responsible for starting me on this journey. I've been a fan of her blog pretty much since the beginning and only hope I can do half as good of a job as she has done. If you haven't already, please take a minute to view her blog: ginaagain.blogspot.com
So on to the "meme."
Here are the rules:
- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
- Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Since I'm a noob (ha! I do pay attention to my daughter's chat strings) and since I have yet to write my "About Me" statement, I'll start with 7 random things...
1) My current favorite color is lime green. It's been that way for a while and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
2) I love a perfectly made Margarita (see, it's even the best color!)
3) I love dark chocolate, preferably Dove.
4) My 10 year old black lab Tucker is snoring next to me, on the couch, as I type.
5) My 3 daughters are all off at school (at least for now). Between real fevers, imaginary tummy aches and ever changing snowfall amounts, every day is a crap shoot.
6) I swear. No, I don't mean like on a Bible, I mean like a sailor. I do try to only do it when I'm alone in my house. Tucker is rarely offended
7) I love Christmas. For any of you who know me from Gina's 12 point Hoopla blog, it was my mother that passed away on Christmas Eve. I am blessed with her gift of departing when she did, 2 hours later and it would have been Christmas Day. We have to take what we are given in life and make lemonade as much as possible (hopefully life hands you a few limes too ;-). I have two trees in my house. The first is the family tree. It's real and the kids had a blast decorating it. This year I let them do it all themselves and didn't throw a nuttie when candy canes got put on backwards. The other tree is a fake one we needed while our house was under construction 2 years ago. That tree sits in my dining room and has only Grandma Sue's (my mom's) ornaments on it. The kids love looking at it and hearing the stories of my memories of them. And best of all, I've finally found a way to keep the kids from breaking them! Win-win!
Unfortunately I'm so new to this process, I don't know how to "tag" anyone and I only know Gina. If, by the grace of God, someone is reading this, consider yourself tagged and please leave a comment.
Thanks to all for supporting me in this newest endeavor.
Happiest of Holidays!
1 comment:
I love it!!! I'm so glad you are have started a blog and I have no doubt that it will be fantastic reading. I already love reading your emails!
I'm trying very hard to get through that darned Christmas checklist too. Fortunately I have managed to finish #2, #3, Bob is in charge of #4 and I do not intend to try and do all of #7.
Your 7 random things made me laugh a lot and cry a little. What's a margarita without lemon and lime although I like some mango too... which just struck me as very funny because my current favorite color is a mango-ish orange... and what's life without an ocassional margarita?
Talk to you soon! Gina
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